
Anyone is welcome to join these committees or come to a meeting. Email to find out when the next meeting is as sometimes meetings are rescheduled.

Membership/Marketing Committee

In terms of membership, the committee holds many events to stimulate member involvement throughout the year. They handle two annual events: Spring Luncheon with its Silent Auction, and the Annual Dinner. They also help arrange Member networking events and ribbon cuttings with host member business. These events provide a way for members to gather and hear about new member businesses, or learn about new business ventures by older members.

This committee is also in charge of recognizing member businesses for their milestone anniversaries, recommending a Business of the Year recipient, and seeking nominations for the annual Pride in Potsdam Community Award and Citizen Honor Award.

On the marketing side, the committee works throughout the year to promote our member businesses to the greater Potsdam Community. This committee has been responsible for Chamber projects such as Food Crawls, promotional brochures, Potsdam postcard project, Senior Card Program, Hockey Night, and the Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate Program. They also coordinate Holiday shopping promotional campaigns.

It is a very busy committee, which could always use more involvement from the chamber members and the community!

Meeting: Second Thursday of every month at 8:30 am

Events & Festivals Committee

The Events & Festivals Committee works on Summer Festival and Fright Night as well as a few other events in collaboration with other groups. This committee also works with other organizations to support their events throughout the year including Summerfest, Fright Night and more.

Meeting: First Wednesday every month at 8:30 am at the Chamber Office (some evening meetings in May and June prior to festival)

Town & Gown Committee

The Town & Gown Committee tackles many issues throughout the course of the year that are important to local residents, colleges,  business owners, property owners, and students.

In partnership with some of the aforementioned groups, this committee works on such things as beautification efforts as in annual flower plantings, trash solutions, snow removal solutions, benches in the downtown corridor, Welcome to Potsdam Signage, and the Ives Park Gazebo. They organize the annual Pride in Potsdam Spring Clean-Up Day (April)

Meeting: Fourth Thursday every month at 8:30 am at the Chamber Office