The Airport Diner to Celebrate One Year Anniversary with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
To mark its first business anniversary, the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for The Airport Diner, on Friday September 6th at 1PM. The Airport Diner is located at 219 SH 11B, Potsdam, NY 13676. It is owned by Rachael Williams-Carter and Derek Carter.
The diner offers a charming and nostalgic atmosphere that pays homage to its long-standing history as a landmark in Potsdam. Open seven days a week, their menu offers traditional items with daily and weekly specials. The Airport Diner participates in the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce Gift Card Program. Approximately $60,000 is kept local each year through the gift card program, which is exclusive to Potsdam Chamber members. For more information about The Airport Diner go to