The Canton-Potsdam Hospital Guild Board is SEEKING VOLUNTEERS

The Canton-Potsdam Hospital Guild Board is SEEKING VOLUNTEERS


January 31, 2025 - February 28, 2025    
All Day

Event Type

The Canton-Potsdam Hospital Guild Board is pleased to report that the recently re-opened Gift
Shop is off to a great start in its’ newly renovated location adjacent to the hospital main
We are reaching out for your help in filling our volunteer needs as we move into a new year.
Consider joining our team of sales associates.   The shop is staffed daily (Monday-Friday) from
9-5, and volunteers are asked to donate two four-hour shifts per month.  As we expand our
staffing needs, additional operating hours could be offered.  Join our team (yourself or refer a
friend) in helping to insure the shop’s continued success.
For additional information, please contact Sue Dougherty at 315-262-4387 or email  Thank you for your time, and best of health to you.
Canton-Potsdam Hospital Guild Board of Directors